9.81 University Communication
To establish authority for oversight of official university marketing and communication channels, programs and activities.
The Office of University Relations (UR) is charged with the leadership and oversight of all official institutional marketing and communication channels, and programs and activities used to reach internal and external audiences.
These specifically include those activities related to logos and marks/visual identity, style, usage, crisis communication, media relations, university website, internal campus communication, campus distribution of mass e-mail, community relations activities, parent communication, printing, displays, and contracting for related professional services.
UR shall develop standards, guidelines and procedures necessary for the effective management of university communication efforts, and shall routinely communicate these to university units.
University nameplate and associated logos
- UR shall develop, maintain and make routinely available for use by university units, a visual identity and style guide.
- University entities shall conform to the standards set forth in the University of Northern Iowa Visual Identity & Style Guide.
- University entities shall use the prescribed nameplate (or approved affiliate marks) and associated colors, etc., as described in the Visual Identity & Style Guide.
- The nameplate or wordmark must be included in all promotional print and electronic communications paid for with university funds.
For details, see: https://ur.uni.edu/uni-brand
Crisis Communication
- UR is specifically responsible for official institutional communication on and off campus related to issues and crises.
- UR (or its designee) shall use the automated UNI Alert system to distribute emergency messages.
- UR shall develop, maintain and routinely distribute a university Communication Handbook for Issues, Crises and Emergencies.
For details, see: https://uni.edu/resources/alert
Media Relations
- UR shall be responsible for contact with the news media, including creation and distribution of information relating to general university news or topics requiring an institutional response. Some designated departments and commercial agencies may be authorized by UR to distribute specific information to the media.
- News releases related to the university or its respective units shall be edited, approved and distributed by UR. UR shall develop and routinely distribute guidelines for news release development and media contact.
- News conferences shall be coordinated by or through UR.
- Faculty, staff- and student-governance groups are encouraged to use University Relations to contact the news media, but are not required to do so. Governance groups may contact the media, issue news releases, and conduct news conferences as they deem necessary.
For details, see: https://ur.uni.edu/contact-us
Campus Communication/Mass email
- UR is responsible for sharing university announcements through appropriate channels such as Inside UNI.
For details, see: https://insideuni.uni.edu/
- UR is responsible for sharing university announcements through appropriate channels such as Inside UNI.
Parent Communication
- UR shall lead university efforts to integrate communication to parents of current and prospective students.
- All mass communication to parents of current and prospective students shall be approved by UR. Some designated departments and commercial agencies may be authorized by UR to distribute specific information to parents.
For details, see: www.uni.edu/parents
Web Pages (Internet sites)
- All university and university-related Web pages shall conform to the standards set forth in the University of Northern Iowa Visual Identity & Style Guide.
- All university and university-related Web pages also shall conform to the Web-page development standards set forth in the university Web policy -- UNI Web tools: Resources for Web Developers.
For details and procedures, see: https://ur.uni.edu/uni-brand/web-guidelines
- Display concepts, developed for or by university colleges and departments, and affiliated units, shall comply with the standards set forth in the University of Northern Iowa Visual Identity & Style Guide.
- UR shall maintain an inventory of professional display units for use on and off campus. Rental and set-up fees may apply in some cases.
For details, see: UNI Display Request Form
Use of commercial marketing/public relations/advertising agencies and consultants
- If UR decides a project or body of work is best handled by a commercial agency, it shall select the appropriate agency for the job (in accordance with university purchasing guidelines).
- In cases where commercial agencies are contracted to provide marketing-communication services to the university, or an affiliated unit/program, UR must approve concepts and tactical materials before final production.
- The UR photographer is responsible for maintaining an archive of university photos for use in publications and on websites.
- To access UNI’s PhotoShelter, please visit: https://uni.photoshelter.com/index
University Relations, approved December 2012
President's Cabinet, approved April 22, 2013