5.23 - P&S Staff - Performance Reviews


To outline standards of performance and the evaluation of such for non-temporary Professional & Scientific (P&S) staff. 

Policy Statement: 

 As representatives of the University of Northern Iowa, professional and scientific (P&S) staff members are expected to perform their duties promptly, accurately and efficiently, and conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted standards as well as with specific standards prescribed by law, Board of Regents regulations, and University policies. 

Performance reviews for P&S staff are administered by Human Resource Services (HRS). Those who supervise P&S staff are expected to adhere to this policy and its objectives. 

Performance reviews may be utilized to determine salary changes, including merit-based salary allowances, or for the implementation of a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). 

Performance Review Process 

The performance development process is an active partnership between supervisors and employees that enhances engagement and performance to promote employee success. This collaborative effort is supported by setting clear and aligned expectations, creating a culture of accountability, and providing continual coaching and feedback. As part of the performance development process, formal performance reviews provide a standardized framework for supervisors to measure performance outcomes as they relate to a staff member’s individual accomplishments, goals and objectives, and relevant job duties and responsibilities. Through this process, P&S staff are encouraged to be active participants in their performance development and performance reviews. 

All non-temporary P&S staff must be evaluated as follows by the supervisor on record using the applicable forms and procedures: 

For new, non-temporary, P&S staff and those switching positions as a result of a position reclassification, reassignment, promotion or demotion: 

  1. Two-Week Performance Review Discussion completed and submitted on or shortly after the second week from the staff member’s start date in the position.
  2. Three-Month Performance Review completed and submitted shortly before or by the third month from the start date in the position.
  3. Six-Month Performance Review completed and submitted shortly before or by the sixth  month from the start date in the position.

For non-temporary P&S staff, the Annual Performance Review must be completed annually, at a minimum.

  • P&S annual performance reviews are generally due during the month of May. This requirement may differ based on department/division requirements and/or HRS communicated deadlines.  If a P&S staff member has received a two-week performance review, a three-month performance review, and/or a six-month performance review in the same calendar year as the annual P&S performance evaluation period in May, supervisors do not need to complete an annual performance review until the following evaluation period.

P&S staff will complete a Self-Evaluation as part of their annual performance review . Staff may also submit a request to their supervisor for a performance review outside of these established evaluation periods. 

Performance evaluation forms are available via UNI Works. 

Completed performance evaluation forms will be saved in the staff member’s personnel file in HRS.  Copies may be retained by the staff member and their supervisor and/or the director/department head as a reference for the next review period. 

As your performance development partner, supervisors and employees may reach out to HRS for assistance with any part of the performance development process or performance evaluations. Further information, including helpful tools, are available at hrs.uni.edu/ld/perf-development. 


 P&S Council, approved February 8, 2024  
 Human Resource Services, approved February 8, 2024  
 President, approved April 10, 2024  
 [Last reviewed and/or updated 4/2024, 1/2013]