8.06 Signs
It is a university policy that signs be uniform and meet all applicable provisions of the Iowa State Building Code and applicable federal, state, and local laws. This is intended for new building and remodeling projects only.
Building Signs
Letters shall be "Helvetica Medium Style" (all capitals) and be of a scale and location suitable for the building. Large buildings should receive 10" to 12" and smaller buildings should receive 6" to 8" high aluminum letters. The color of the letters should contrast with the background. The location should usually be close to the main entrance of the building. Mounting of signs shall be as vandal-resistant as possible.
Room Identification
Room number signs shall be provided to identify each room in every new building. New room number signs shall have raised letters and be mounted in a proper location so as to be readable by blind persons. Room number signs for faculty offices shall have a "card slot."
Street Signs
Street signs shall be identical to the current standards and style used by the City of Cedar Falls.
Traffic Signs
Traffic signs shall conform to current standards specified by the Iowa Department of Transportation in the Iowa Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
Vice President for Administrative Services