7.10 Violence Free Campus


Violence is unacceptable on the University of Northern Iowa campus, and the University is committed to a safe and secure campus for all members of the University community and campus visitors. This policy is intended to enhance the safety and security of students, employees, and visitors and to provide guidelines and procedures for managing issues related to campus safety.

Policy Statement

Violence impedes the goal of providing a safe living, learning, and working environment.  Violence is contrary to the mission of the University and will not be tolerated.  The term “violence” as used and defined in this policy includes violent acts, threats or implied threats of violence, and intimidation (verbal or physical acts which frighten or coerce), including those acts conducted via technology. All students and employees of, and visitors to, the University of Northern Iowa are covered by this policy.  This policy applies to all property owned or used by the University (hereafter referred to as “campus”) as well as conduct at University related activities. Any person responsible for violence may be subject to discipline, removal from campus, legal action, and/or other appropriate action.


UNI has established procedures for responding to and addressing conduct that violates this policy and urges all students, employees and visitors to be alert and report violence they experience or witness. As members of the University community, all students, employees and visitors should maintain a safe environment by reporting concerns about the behavior of an individual who they believe may be potentially dangerous to self or others and for any acts of violence they experience or witness.  All University employees in a supervisory capacity are required to report violent acts, threats or implied threats of violence, and intimidation (verbal acts which frighten or coerce), including those acts conducted via technology.


Laws governing confidentiality (e.g., Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) do not prevent an individual from reporting a concern under this policy.  It is permissible to report concerns to supervisors, department heads, administrators, Public Safety, the Dean of Students, etc.  If you have questions, you are encouraged to call and discuss the situation to help determine the appropriate course of action.


Any act of retaliation against someone who, in good faith, reports a concern or cooperates in an official investigation is prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary action. Similarly, persons who use this process to bring frivolous or otherwise bad faith allegations or information against an individual shall be subject to disciplinary action.


Students, employees and visitors should report an immediate danger or emergency by calling UNI Police at 273-2712 or 9-1-1.  Criminal activity should be immediately reported to UNI Police.

For all other non-emergency concerns of violence, students, employees and visitors should call UNI Police at 273-2712, Dean of Students at 273-2332, Director of Human Resources at 273-2422, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs at 273-2519, the Assistant to the President for Civil Rights Compliance at 273-2846 or submit a report to the Threat Assessment Team.


As indicated in the University’s Personal Conduct Policy 3.03, weapons are not permitted on campus except for purposes of law enforcement and as authorized by the Director of UNI Public Safety, or his/her designee.

Threat Management:

The Threat Assessment Team is an administrative group of the University formed at the direction of the President to promote awareness of campus safety and security, and authorized to help address situations that may involve behavioral concerns, threats, intimidation, or violence.

Resources and Preparedness:

The University of Northern Iowa maintains a variety of resources to assist in maintaining the safety and security of all persons on campus.  These include:

Threat Assessment Team: https://uni.edu/resources/alert#resources

UNI Alert:  http://www.uni.edu/resources/alert

General safety information: www.uni.edu/safety

Health and Safety Office: https://risk.uni.edu

Violence Intervention Services: https://cvp.uni.edu

Employee Assistance Program: https://hrs.uni.edu/mybenefits/eap

Student Sexual Misconduct Policy: https://uni.edu/policies/1302

Discrimination and Harassment Policy: https://uni.edu/policies/1302

UNI Public Safety:  www.publicsafety.uni.edu


Department of Public Safety, approved January 5, 2011 
President’s Cabinet, approved June 20, 2011  
[Last reviewed and/or updated 12/5/2024]