3.07 Fraternity and Sorority Housing


To define the relationship between the University of Northern Iowa and the fraternity/sorority community regarding the operation of student housing by Greek-letter chapters for students (hereafter referred to as “chapters”).

Policy Statement

  1. The University or Northern Iowa recognizes and supports the right of students to form voluntary organizations and associations dedicated to pursuing mutual interests, developing leadership and organizational skills, providing pre-professional experiences, and fostering educational, social and recreational opportunities.  The existence of chapters at the University of Northern Iowa does not constitute University or NISG endorsement or approval of the viewpoints or activities of these organizations.
  2. Except as delineated herein, it is the policy of the University that responsibility for all aspects of the operation of student housing by chapters rests solely with those chapters.


  1. All chapter organizations operating housing must be incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa.
  2. Chapters are responsible for managing their respective housing units, enforcing internal chapter rules, and ensuring that relevant national, state, and local laws and regulations are observed in the process.
  3. Chapters leasing University-owned housing are responsible for enforcing all applicable University regulations and policies.
  4. The financial management of each chapter house is the responsibility of the chapter student membership, assisted by the local chapter housing corporation or housing management body.  The University assumes no financial responsibility for any part of the chapter's operation.
  1. As a condition of continuing registered status as a student organization, the following conditions must be met:
    1. Each chapter must maintain current, accurate contact information for the local chapter housing corporation or housing management body with the Office of Student Involvement.
    2. Within the first two weeks of an academic semester or summer session, the chapter shall submit a list of all chapter house residents to the Office of Student Involvement.

Vice President for Student Affairs, approved August 2014
President’s Cabinet, approved November 3, 2014
President and Executive Management Team, approved November 10, 2014